YDPV Articles Why Porn Can Actually Be Healthy for Relationships

It’s not an overreaction to say that pornography has a negative stereotype attached to it that will never disappear. While it might not be considered to be the evil, family destroying contraband that it used to be, it’s still seen in a negative light. Even though pornography is all around us at every hour of every day, it’s still thought of as something you only see when you’re alone and lonely. It’s not a habit for anyone in a healthy relationship and it’s something you should completely cut yourself off from once you enter into a lifelong relationship.

RelationshipsThat’s simply not true, though. People in relationships watch porn all the time and it doesn’t have to be a problem. There are times in every relationship when the sex is gone and something like deepthroat porn is the only outlet that either partner has for a while. Of course, this doesn’t have to be the case, either. It turns out that porn can actually be healthy for relationships. There are lots of reasons why you should be bringing pornography into your lifelong partnership, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. The more people realize that adult material helps a relationship, the more destigmatized it will become.

Fight Back Against Tedium 

The most obvious effect that pornography can have on a relationship is simply helping a couple do away with the sexual tedium they’ll no doubt encounter. When you’re with someone for an extended period of time, you’re going to end up doing the same things over and over again in the bedroom. It can get so tedious that the mere thought of sex exhausts you and makes you want to pass it up altogether. If left unchecked, this tedium can grow into a major problem that grows into other parts of your relationship.

That’s where porn comes in. If you have something that you’d prefer to be doing, the best way to introduce your partner to it is to simply see it happen in an adult video. It can also bring up lots of new ideas when you simply sit with each other and watch porn together. It doesn’t have to get too kinky or taboo. Any vanilla pornography is going to have things you’ve never done as a couple, and they’ll seem interesting and challenging to the both of you. It’s more than worth a try once the tedium sets in.

Female Porn can be Her Inroad 

If you think that porn is made for men to enjoy and for women to avoid, then you’re mostly correct. It’s true that the vast majority of adult content is made with men in mind. Naturally, that doesn’t mean that women can’t enjoy it. Millions of women watch porn that’s made for men all around the world and they enjoy it just as much as the guys do. That doesn’t mean that your partner likes it, though. The chances are much higher that a female partner isn’t going to be aroused by porn made for a man.

If you want something that both partners can watch and enjoy, female-friendly porn is the way to go. This is pornography that’s made specifically for women, and it will do a much better job at arousing her, when the time comes. Notice how it’s called “female-friendly” and not “female-only.” That’s because it can still be enjoyed by any man that wants to watch it. You still get all the hardcore visuals that men seek out. It just comes at a different pace with mental arousal meant to pique the interests of any woman.

Explore Fantasies without Risk 

One of the best uses of pornography in relationships is the ability to explore sexual fantasies without the risk of making mistakes or hurting each other. You just have to sit down with your partner and have a real conversation about what you both fantasize about and why you haven’t done it. It’s best to be on the same page when you’re looking for the fantasies that you’re going to watch together. It’s going to be the best way for your partner to see what you’re interested in trying and what it’s going to entail.

Just make sure that you don’t seek out the most extreme examples of the fantasies you’re interested in. Look for a more respectable approach that takes it easy on both people and explores the kink or fetish with ease and caution. No matter what you’re into, if you try to throw your partner right into the deep end, they’re not going to believe they’re capable of trying it out. Once you get them into the lighter side of the kink and start experimenting with it, you might find that your partner wants to turn it up to 11 pretty quickly.

Go at Your Own Pace 

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always go at your pace with porn in a relationship. If you start out by trying to command your partner to watch an hour of porn with you, every single night, then things aren’t going to go well. If your partner is unfamiliar with porn, then it’s going to take extra time to get them acclimated to it. If your partner watches porn alone and on a regular basis, it’s going to take time to get them used to watching it with another person.

It’s also important to pay attention to your partner and gauge what they think about watching porn with you. It simply won’t be for some people. If that’s the case, use it as a way to engage them in conversation about sex without filters. If your partner is more into it than you are, try to stick it out and see it through. At the very least, you’re going to be pleasuring your partner in ways you never considered could happen. At the most, it will lead to a much more excited sex life.